what the punters are saying
The feedback from the people who have taken the time to watch our our films, means a lot to us. Here are what they have said about Hook, Line & Sinker

"... we were delighted to see the movie on the plane. Quite simply, it was wonderful; very realistic, touching and of Aotearoa. The support provided for aurally and visually impaired people is great."
"What a bloody good movie! We were both glued to the screen by the characters and naturally the story, which I must say made my eyes glaze over and Lisa cry!!"
"A delightful down-to-earth story which was so full of love, laughter and song."
"On my flight to China a couple days ago so got to see your awesome film! Nice to see something that's intimate and human and speaks of aging in a way that's not nostalgic."
"So completely and utterly and gloriously Kiwi."
"Great film, Andrea! The acting was among the best I've seen in NZ films, and the direction, editing and technical aspects were hugely impressive, especially on such a small budget. It certainly deserves a wide audience - I've been recommending it to all and sundry!
"Hook, Line & Sinker is a wonderfully empathetic slice of Kiwi life that is beautifully acted."
Dave Cull, Mayor of Dunedin
"Seen it. Loved it. Told everybody!"
"This is a wonderful New Zealand movie - you'll regret it if you don't see it!"
"I managed to get to see Hook, Line and Sinker at the Paramount last Saturday evening after finding the Lighthouse Cinema Petone showing was totally sold out! Congratulations to you and Andrea for telling the story with such heart. My mum-in-law has macular degeneration and she has described to me in words what she sees - or rather doesn't see. I found it quite an emotional experience at the point in the film where PJ's sight suddenly takes a turn for the worse and the centre of his image of the world is missing. This is my mum-in-law's daily reality and I "saw" it clearly for the first time in this film. Wishing you every success with the film."
"It was terrific! So good. Human and funny and sad and real. Really well done."
"Congratulations to all involved in Hook, Line and Sinker. You really caught the joys and frustrations of family life. I really appreciated the parallel stories with the vision of Stella as photographer contrasting ironically with the fading vision of PJ. You cast it perfectly and obviously created a very real sense of community around the filming. The film was fresh, moving, funny and human, Well done to all."
"Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed "Hook, Line and Sinker". I thought what you did with it in terms of capturing the emotions of the characters was really beautiful and I loved the way it came together - great cinematography and acting (Carmel and Geraldine worked so well together as sisters it was priceless casting!) "
"Annie [Collins - editor], that film is an absolute stunner! In so many ways... it's such a long time since I've been so engaged by a screen and being taken on a journey in your hands was bloody fantastic!"
"This is awesome. A film that sets a new benchmark for New Zealand perhaps? Perhaps too if we have more like this we would have a proper industry."
"A poignant and genuine story with great character performances all round and beautiful cinematography. A gentle film whose still waters run deep. A Kiwi film to be proud of. A film to see! Falling for it Hook, Line and Sinker..."
"I had the day off today, so took myself and my partner off to see Hook, Line and Sinker at the Paramount... congratulations!!! I have to admit
it had me reaching for the tissues a few times. Well done. I wish the team and the movie all the best."
"Your new movie, Hook, Line and Sinker is fantastic. The music is beautiful, the plot seamless, the casting brilliant...It was all so moving I have to confess I had a little cry. Apparantly others did too...I am sure it is going to be a box office success when it is released to theatres nationwide."
"I have just seen your film at the Ascot in Upper Hutt. I'm now shouting from the rooftops to everyone to "go see it". Good location shots and the acting is great. Such a believable family situation, behaviours and outcomes. If this was made "on the smell of an oily rag", what could you do with money thrown at you? I don't expect you'd have changed the film one bit, but I guess it would have made it easier for everyone who has supported the making of it. Bravo - you've done a wonderful job. I just hope you've got other great ideas and they come to fruition."
"Just wanted to say I loved your film. What a wonderful NZ feature, with beautiful performances, well shot, stunningly scored. A real achievement. And best editing I've seen in a while, too."
"Saw your film yesterday, it's wonderful, congratulations! Your insight and empathy created superb characters. Coming from a mad, Irish family [the non singing variety] and with a mother who had macular degeneration, I could relate to many of the characters."
"Our warmest congratulations. Once again you have captured characters so sensitively and honestly. The cast is so good and very convincing. Rangimoana Taylor plays the part of PJ so sympathetically - I just felt so much for him and what he was going through especially as my mother had macular degeneration too. It was a great insight into the frustrations of that impairment as you aren't completely blind but might get more help if you were. "
"Congratulations - an excellent film. I especially loved the sisters and the subtext of their family background. Brilliant cinema-tography and editing, too."
"This was an excellent film with a gritty, down to earth story line! Creative Wgtn at its best & most innovative....I highly recommend checking it out."
"The film was fantastic, the emotions were intense and we appreciated all the different characters."
"I saw your film last night and loved it. The humour and singing especially! Fantastic performances and the back drop of Wellington and surrounds capped it off for me. Great that you have been able to bring some awareness to the day to day lives of the visually impaired as well. All the best for your next film."
"All your commitment, passion and energy for your filmmaking over the years is very obvious in this movie. Thanks so much."
"I could not see you yesterday as you were busy (of course) but I really wanted to congratulate you both for this great film."
"Congratulations Andrea, Shane and whanau on your great film. We enjoyed and were moved by the story and wish you all the best for the next project."
"I was at the opening last night and I really loved the film. It was so touching. So glad it had a happy ending!"
GREAT UNPRETENTIOUS KIWI FLICK "By the makers of TAKING THE WAEWAE EXPRESS comes this little film full of touching characters. I won't go into the very beleivable intertwined storylines of the family at the heart of this drama/comedy. I won't tell you about the micro-budget used to make the film... in fact I won't tell you anything apart that this a genuine Kiwi film you should see. And by genuine Kiwi film, I mean it's a Kiwi story, with Kiwi actors, directed, edited and produced by Kiwis... not just filmed in New Zealand."
"Congratulations and then some!!!! Can't wait for the next one."
"I really enjoyed the film. I found it very moving."
"I went with a friend this evening to the premiere of "Hook, Line and Sinker" and just want you to know that we both thought it was great. Congratulations to all concerned."
"We loved the film, it made us laugh and cry!!!! The acting was truly exceptional, they worked together brilliantly....it's always amazing to see it all come together!!! Fantastic effort, Andrea, you and Shane must be immensely proud."
"Just a small note of thanks for the tickets to last night's premiere. What a great turn out. Well done. The film is a significant achievement. It looks and sounds like a $3M film."
"Andrea, it was fantastic! Congrats to you all for making such a wonderful piece. It's an honour to have been involved in a very small way."
"Twelve old fellows and my Mum and me in an 11.00am Sunday screening in Havelock North. Wouldn't normally expect more than four others at this time. Mum and I found the film compelling - believable characters, well developed. Hope you get good houses - you deserve it."
"Kia ora ano Andrea for sharing this delightful film with a small number of us here in Takaka. I feel priveleged and honoured to be one of the few first paying fans who have seen the film in a cinema. Whakamihi to you all for co-creating such refreshing & inspirational film!"
"Wow! Just had the honour of being in the audience for the World Premiere in Takaka!! That was amazing! Honestly that is definitely the best NZ movie I have seen.... the best movie out of all movies!! The depth of the characters was wonderful. A fantastic effort and I will be back there in the Village Theatre on Tuesday night..... and on Thursday night! A huge big thanks and congrats to all your team and the actors... a Stella performance.. by everyone! I'm HOOKED!"
"Just returned from the Whangarei premiere - it was awesome! Congrats Shane and Andrea Bosshard that's a pearler of a film."
"I wish this film had been made 11 years earlier. It would have made such a difference to my family."
"Far better than BOY."
"That Andrea Bosshard and Carmel McGlone! That's why I loved having you as tutors. Hook, Line & Sinker? Just amazing! Every Kiwi off the couch and see it please!"
"Terrific entertainment! Dogme- and Mike Leigh-influenced, a fine example of sustainable film-making. Co-written, -produced, and -directed by Andrea Bosshard and Shane Loader, edited by Annie Collins. Great website, too: http://www.torchlightfilms.co.nz/hls/"
"FANTASTIC! well done to you all. Is it possible to get a list of the Cinemas and dates so we can spread the word."
"Absolutely brilliant, loved it, go and see it!"
"Congratulations to Torchlight Films on the premiere of their new feature Hook, Line & Sinker last night. Great New Zealand film, make sure you check it out."
"Just came back from the premiere of a great film: "Hook, Line & Sinker". Just wonderful, really moving."
"Marvellous premiere at the Embassy in Wellington. Audience rapt."
"The first New Zealand dramatic film not to condescend the working-class."
"Great to see Wellington so beautifully shot and story about people whose lives don't normally appear on our screens."
"We were all waxing lyrical about you, Rangimoana, and Carmel especially after the showing. The empathy and love you both displayed to one another was incredibly moving. Elizabeth and Eli were perfectly cast as well. So very proud of you all."
"Kia ora Rangimoana, We saw Hook, Line and Sinker last night and I can honestly say I have never seen you in a greater light or playing such a beautifully crafted role. I was totally blown away by your performance. Bewildered, rebellious, angry, conflicted and above all, deeply honest. My Mum had macular degeneration - thank you for giving me such insight into how her last years must have felt. I feel terribly sad not to have been able to share the time with her. Our children were tiny and life was fraught."
"Incredible job in Hook, Line and Sinker, Carmel. Congratulations."
"Fabulous, Carmel, you were wonderful last night."
"It was brilliant! Very well done. I thought Carmel McGlone was stunning."
"The film was fabulous. Well done."
"I think you have made a gem of a film that I have thought about a lot over the weekend. I listened to Simon's item today (pod cast) and you must be thrilled with his interest and endorsement. I do take issue with Graham Tuckett's review however. They weren't good performances, they were brilliant. My love and congratulations to you both."
"Dear Andrea, We are indeed spreading the word of your beautiful deeply moving film. And we were glad to see the full page in Thursday's Dom Post with the photograph of you and Shane at Island Bay, as well as to hear Simon Morris's excellent review on the "Art on Sunday"National Programme yesterday. We look forward to the next film! Warmest congratulations to you and Shane."
"It's a great movie. Went to the first screening in Nelson and will spread the Word! Well done! Whakaora mai tatou me te Ao."
"It was fantastic and a real credit to your hard work. Beautiful film. Thank-you."
"I highly recommend this movie. Go see it now!"
"Hey! Great! WOW! Thanks Annie. Keep it up. Send details when DVD issued."
"Well done Andrea & Shane! Great movie; tender, heartwarming, funny, real. I thought Carmel McGlone was especially strong."
"Wonderful evening at the Premiere last night. The movie? Loved it."
"Finally got to your film this weekend and loved it. What an amazing achievement - we are so impressed. Terrific."